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Second meeting of Germany-hosted ‘EWIPA Talks’

On 12 September 2018, the Mission of Germany convened at the UN in Geneva the second of two workshops on “Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas: humanitarian, technical, legal and military considerations”.  As with the first workshop, this was held with the support of the ICRC and GCIHD, the workshop was well attended by states as well as a broad range of civil society. Discussions were focussed on military good practice to minimise the humanitarian impact of EWIPA, including targeting policies, weaponeering, decision-making processes and collateral damage assessments. Additional measures such as civil-military cooperation, civilian preparedness and protection, and victim assistance were also presented on.  Germany plans to report on this and its June 2018 workshop in the form of a Chair’s paper that will be tabled at the 2018 annual meeting of the High Contracting State Parties to the CCW.

Related materials:

The short briefing by PAX and Article 36 is available here:

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