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Regional roundtable for SADC states on “Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas”

A roundtable meeting, organised by Article 36, is being convened with state representatives from southern Africa and other key stakeholders including civil society and international organisations (UN and ICRC) on strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. This includes building support for the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences Arising from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas as a framework that can reduce harm to civilians.

This roundtable aims to:

  • Enhance understanding of the humanitarian impact of explosive weapons in populated areas among government representatives in Southern African and awareness of the Political Declaration and the international policy agenda on this theme.
  • Better understand perspectives and state positions on the issue in the sub-region, by providing space to explore views on the Declaration, considerations for joining and implementing it, and impact of geopolitical dynamics. This insight will help tailor approaches and inform contributions towards international meetings where relevant.
  • Foster collaboration between states, civil society organisations and international organisations working on this issue, in order to provide information and support that aides endorsement and national level implementation of the Declaration.
  • Highlight successful initiatives and policies that have been implemented in the region and globally to address challenges posed by EWIPA, or to mitigate the effects of weapons and armed conflict under other related humanitarian and disarmament frameworks.

Read the background note in English, French and Portuguese.

Website by David Abbott Projects